Tuesday 30 June 2015

Strawberry Fields Forever

Summer Vacation is finally here! We started off the holidays with an afternoon in the strawberry fields. 

The minis and I had a fun time finding and picking the delicious bulbous fruit.

 We got three large baskets in our enthusiasm.

 After paying for our labour (ouch), we brought them home ... and then I realized we were going to have to do something with them. 

To start off, we made an angel food cake. Only a few errant fingers made it into the batter, and of those, hardly any were dirty, so I would classify it as an overall success. We also whipped up a batch of strawberry rhubarb jam, which ended up being heavy on the strawberries and light on the rhubarb... Since we didn’t have any rhubarb.

And yes, Panda, I will bring you some.

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