Tuesday 30 June 2015

Taking a Stand on Gay Marriage

What does it mean to be gay? Simply put, it means you aren't straight. It's personal, it's private, it's perfectly acceptable and frankly it's none of anyone else's damn business. Sexual orientation is just one of the many factors that make up an individual, making them who they are. It is unfair to allow it to define a person.

More importantly, beyond the physical, love is love. And it is beautiful. If you are lucky enough to find another soul to love and who loves and cherishes you, you should hold on to them. And we should all take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge how wonderful that is. 

Social media is having a hayday with the legalization of Gay marriage in the United States. It seems to have divided global citizens into three categories. Some are staunchly supporting the ruling while others are vehemently opposing it. Still others seem to have adopted the “I don’t care” philosophy. (These people are probably actually in the “opposing” category but are afraid to admit it, so they hide behind an apathetic attitude.) I mean, imagine if someone were to suddenly start saying he was indifferent to women’s rights. Who cares if women can’t safely walk down the street? Imagine the outrage. People would shout "Everyone is equal"."Women can’t help being born women". "They have the right to live freely". And they would be right. Except those rights and freedoms aren’t selective. They apply to all, regardless of skin colour, gender or sexual orientation. 

I’m not gay. But does the ruling on gay marriage matter to me? Of course it does. I would never want one of my own children to have to suffer discrimination based on sexual orientation. Equality is essential. I have close friends and dear family that are part of the LGBT community. I celebrate this victory with them. 

Some might argue that gay marriage has been legal in Canada for a decade - the U.S. is clearly behind and long overdue. While it is true that our country has taken a progressive stand on equality, American politics matter to us. On a global scale, the Americans are, unfortunately, leaders... and very influential. Global citizens are doubtlessly rejoicing in anticipation of the impending equality consequences that the Supreme Court ruling by Justice Kennedy will have. 
While they are certainly late to join the party, I'm just glad they showed up. Judging by the reaction in Turkey, the world still has a long way to go in acceptance and we probably won't get there in my lifetime - but it's progress. 

As mind boggling as it is that we need to fight for everyone's right to love, it is the unfortunate truth.  So yes, gay marriage matters to me. Equality matters to me. Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual or Transgender; Love is love and it is beautiful. If more people embrace this philosophy, my children will have the good fortune to grow up in a happier world.

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